- 沙士便梳B840suspensol B840
- 便ordinary
- 小便urinate
- 沙士sarsaparilla
- 排便defecate
- 便携portable
- 沙士是不含酒精的饮料,不是啤酒。Root beer is actually a soft drink,and not a beer.
- 梳头发comb
- 精梳combing
- 通便purge
- 金融市场对沙士造成的经济影响反应平静,但变数仍然存在。The response of financial markets to the economic effects of SARS has been calm.
- 便签memo; notepaper
- 在香港的医学专家一天工作17个小时来研究沙士的起因和传播途经。But“ disease detectives” might be the better name Epidemiologists chase down diseases that endanger large groups of people.
- 精梳棉cotton combing
- 他把头发梳平。He plastered his hair down.
- 并提出多项建议,其中包括向沙士患者及沙士病故者家属提供协助和跟进支援。And suggested, among others, that assistance and follow-up support should be provided to SARS patients and families of deceased SARS patients.
- 便器Jordan
- 梳齿comb (dent)
- 单从徵状很难分辨是禽流感还是沙士,需要测试患者的临床样本,才能确切诊断。You cannot differentiate between avian influenza and SARS by symptoms alone. Confirmation of diagnosis will depend on laboratory tests on clinical samples from the patient.
- 自便as one pleases