- 事故就发生在离医院那么近的地方,真是不幸中之大幸。It's a mercy the accident happened so close to the hospital.
- 我一直在看市里的房子,要离海滩近的。I have been looking at some new townhouses close to the beach.
- 他们的房子明显比我们的暖和。Their house was noticeably warmer than ours.
- (道德方面)促进,提高,社会进步提高社会,道德和智力标准的努力或运动An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.
- 租房子不难,难的是租到离公司近的便宜的好房子。Rent a home is not a problem. But rent a nice, cheap home close to your company is a problem.
- 7月里,敌人来了,把所有的房子都放火烧了。In July the enemy came and set fire to all the houses.
- "父母们近来一直有点儿紧张,正在等待公布他们孩子们的考试成绩。""The parents have been a bit edgy lately, waiting for their children's examination results."
- 求真意志will to truth
- 9点钟后你想在那家餐馆吃点东西,你几乎得低三下四地求他们才能办得到。If you wanted something to eat after nine o'clock in that restaurant you almost had to go down on your knees and beg for it.
- "我要去看她," 她说。 "你要是知趣的话就离我远点。""I'm going up to see her, " she said, "Stay away, if you know what's good for you."
- [美]两户合住的房子duplex house
- 求和比较器Sum-comparator
- 武汉以近的火车票train tickets up to Wuhan
- 求欢吧,不够尊重。If you attempt a romance,she says you didn't respect her.
- 【谚】离教堂越近,离上帝越远。The nearer the church, the farther from God.
- 租汽车﹑ 房子﹑ 土地lease a car, building, field
- 硫化物熔离Sulfide segregation
- 面对面的房子The house in opposition to each other
- 济南以近的火车票train tickets up to Jinan