- 虎tiger
- 拍to clap
- 自拍autodyne
- 拍电影film
- 卧虎藏龙undiscovered talents
- 拍拖date somebody; have a date with somebody; go on a date with somebody
- 轻拍lap
- 虎是一种普通的猫科动物。The tiger is a common representative of the cat family.
- 虎鲸grampus
- 拍档collaborator; partner
- 重拍swat
- 虎丘Huqiu
- 拍案strike the table
- 虎父无犬子A wise goose never lays a tame egg.
- 拍下take
- 虎跳峡Tiger Leaping Gorge
- 竞拍auction
- 虎杖giant knotweed
- 拍到photograph
- 调虎离山lure the enemy from his base