- 正则的HFI代数Regular HFI Algebra
- 我们将用代数方法来研究高度正则的图,尽管这种正则性不是用自同构群来表达的。We shall use algebraic methods to study graphs which are highly regular although this regularity is not expressed in terms of the automorphism group.
- 正在in the process of (doing something or happening)
- 正Chinese 1st month of year
- HFI代数HFI-algebra
- 半正则的semiregular
- 正则的holomorphic
- 正则表达式regular expression
- 正则holomorphy
- 不正则的irregular
- 有关正则表达式引擎如何解析多义性的详细信息,请参见。For details on how the regular expression engine resolves the ambiguity.
- 拟正则的quasi regular
- 强正则的strongly normal
- 正则FI-代数regular FI-algebras
- 预处理程序把所有的部分连接起来形成给定匹配元素的正则表达式。The pre-processor concatenates all portions to construct the regex for a given match element.
- 半正则和semi-regular summation
- 非正则的nonregular
- 正则FI代数Regular FI-algebra
- 半正则拓扑semiregular topology
- 正则变换canonical transformation