- 草不需要努力就可以生长,毫不费力.Grass doesn't strain to grow, it's effortless.
- 没有雨意味着草不能生长,动物无食可吃,逼得有的动物到处乱闯找食物。No rain means grass can't grow, animals can't feed, sending some foraging for food anyway they can.
- 房子没有了,还可以在树下睡睡,地不能挖,草不能割,菜不能浇水,这怎么得了?The loss of the building was not so serious - they could sleep under the trees. But what would become of them if she couldn't dig, scythe and water the vegetables?
- 草不隆kloben
- 草不绿alachlor
- 羊吃长草不能健壮。Sheep do not thrive on long pasture.
- 寸草不留(after plundering by robbers or enemy soldiers) be totally devastated.
- 拿to hold
- 草不津混剂Lasso+Sencor
- 路旁寸草不长。There was no grass beside the road.
- 莎莉是个自尊心很强的女孩,所以我们从不拿她的缺点笑她。Sarah is a girl of high selfesteem,so we never string her with her shortcomings.
- 草grass
- 不要告诉经理是怎么把工作搞砸了的,不然他会大发雷霆的!Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- 斩草不除根,春风吹又生。If you cut the weeds without digging up their roots, they'll grow again when the spring breeze blows.
- 如果你一直戴着隐形眼镜而不拿下来的话,你的眼睛会感到疲劳的。Your eyes would feel tired if you maintain eye contact without taking them off.
- 斩草不除根,逢春又发青
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?""But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 再有,可以反摆动片装在一根通过小片的一条不对称竖轴或横轴的扭丝上。Yet again, the plate may be mounted on a torsion wire passing through an asymmetric vertical or horizontal axis.
- 在这种干燥土壤中草不会成活。Grass will not succeeded in this dry soil.
- 如果这些可怕的武器不拿来使用,那在经济上会是一种无法弥补的浪费。If these horrible weapons were not fired off, it would be a hopeless economic waste.