- 模糊PI自整定控制fuzzy PI self-tuning control
- 共轨柴油机调速器的PID参数模糊自整定控制Fuzzy Self-Adjusting of Digital Governor PID Parameters for Diesel Engine with Common-Rail Fuel Injection System
- 基于模糊PI自适应速度调节器的直接转矩控制系统Direct Torque Controlling System with Fuzzy PI Self- adaptive Speed Controller
- 自整定控制Self tuning control
- 在分散控制系统上实现的PID参数模糊自整定控制The realization of fuzzy self-tuning PID control based on DCS
- 锅炉给水参数的自整定控制Self- adjustment Control of the Boiler Feed Water Parameter
- 强时变时滞系统的鲁棒PID继电自整定控制技术The Relay Auto-turning Control Techniques of PID for a General System with Large Time-varying Time Delay
- 模糊自适应整定控制fuzzy self-learning emendation controller
- 一种基于泛布尔代数的自整定PID及在纸页定量控制中的应用Method of Auto-Tuning Parameter for PID Controller Based on the Pan-Boolean Algebra
- 基于参数自整定模糊控制的永磁同步电机矢量控制调速系统A Fuzzy Speed Control of PMSM Based on SVPWM Vector Control
- 自整定self-tuning
- PID自整定PID self-tuning
- 自整定PIDself-tuning PID
- 参数自整定parameter self-tuning
- 自整定参数PIDauto tune of the PID parameters
- 预测型智能自整定PID控制器Optimal predicting PID controller based on genetic algorithm
- 模式识别法PID参数自整定PID Self-tuning by Pattern Recognition
- 鲁棒性PID控制器的自整定研究Robust Self-Tuning Study of PID Controller
- 遗传算法在PID参数自整定中的应用Genetic Algorithms and Their Application to PID Parametric Self-Setting
- 一种基于过程辨识的PID参数自整定方法A Self-tuning Method of PID Parameter Based on Process Identification