- 桌面tabletop
- 桌面GISdesktop GIS
- 基于Internet环境的WebGIS与传统的桌面GIS和局域网GIS具有质的不同。Has the archery target based on Internet environment WebGis and traditional tabletop GIS and local area Intranet GIS is different.
- 在桌面上on the table
- 桌面系统desktop system
- GISGeographic Information System (GIS)
- 桌面工具desktop tool
- 松木桌面镶有一层桃花心木的装饰薄板。The pine table top is overlaid with a mahogany veneer.
- 编辑们做了一件极好的工作,把双方的意见都摆在桌面上了。The editors do an excellent job in putting both sides so the table.
- 他有一个烦人的习惯:听别人讲话时不断用手指在桌面上敲击。He had an annoying habit of drumming his fingers on the table while he listened.
- 网页GISWeb GIS
- 桌面是一块石板。The top of the table was formed by a stone slab.
- Web.GISWeb-GIS
- 无线GISWireless GIS
- 光洁桌面上的那处损伤很碍眼。The scar on the polished tabletop is an eyesore.
- 主动GISactive GIS