- 果蔗Badilachewing cane (Badila)
- 果result
- 发挥北缘蔗区的优势做大做强果蔗业Playing the Dominant Position of North Verge Producing Area for Developing Chew Cane
- 果蔗鲜切后保鲜技术及其生理特性变化Fresh-keeping technique of fresh-cut fruit sugarcane and their physiological characteristic change
- 开心果pistachio nuts
- 火龙果dragon fruit
- 蔗sugar cane
- 禁果forbidden fruit
- 奇异果actinidia berry
- 果蔗与斑茅、割手密种间杂交后代的鉴定Identification of Inter-species Hybridization from Chewing cane and E. Arundinaceum and S. Spontaneum
- 果蔬garden stuff
- 果类fruit
- 人参果sapodilla (Achras zapota)
- 赛果match result
- 健康种苗技术在果蔗优质高产栽培中的应用Application of virusfree seedcane techniques on high yield and quality cultivation of fruit cane
- 蔬果vegetables and fruits
- 雪莲果yacon; Smallanthus sonchifolius
- 果腹satiety
- 果壳proper exciple
- 永入涅槃再受生死果报的僧人Arhat