- 杨木APMP的生产实践The Experience of Poplar APMP Production
- 根据杨木APMP的生产试验,掌握APMP生产线工艺流程,工艺技术条件,产品质量及存在问题。The experience of poplar APMP production in Jilin Paper was introduced. The production process product quality and existing problem of the prodution line were presented.
- 桦木APMP的生产实践Experience of producing Birch APMP
- 同时阐述了国内APMP的应用现状及存在的问题。The application situation of APMP and problem exist-ed in home and abroad are discussed.
- 该文介绍了P-RC制浆方法、与APMP的比较及两者的结合新工艺。It were discussed that P-RC pulping technology, the contrast of P-RC and APMP, and a new pulping technology, i.e., the combination of P-RC and APMP in this paper.
- 齐纸APMP的生产技术Production technology of APMP (alkaline peroxide mechanical pulp)
- 介绍了安钢一炼采用系统工程的原理对普通功率10 t EAF+LF冶炼工艺进行优化的生产实践;This paper describes the productive practice of the operation optimization of 10 t EAF+LF by principle of system engineering.
- 洁净钢的生产实践Practice of Clean Steel Production
- 竹节纱的生产实践Practice of Slub Yarn Production
- 经过两年的生产实践,提高了卤水的产量和卤水浓度,取得了较大的经济效益。It advances output and concentration of brine and acquires the economic effect.
- 纯棉色纱的生产实践Practice on Producing All-Cotton Fibre Dyed Yarn
- 高纯阴极铜的生产实践Plant Practice of High Pure Cathode Copper
- 开发麻灰纱的生产实践Practice of Developing the Production of Grey Flax Yarn
- 清洁热处理的生产实践Production Practice of Clean Heat Treatment
- 碳纤方格布的生产实践Production Practice on Carbon fibre check cloth
- 菱纹绸织物的生产实践Production of Diamond Pattern Silk Fabrics
- 色织天丝绸的生产实践Production of Yarn - Dyed Tencel Silks
- 氧化锌精制的生产实践Production of refined zinc oxide
- 羊绒罗曼呢的生产实践Production practice of cashmere covert cloth
- 半精梳棉纱的生产实践Production practice of semi-combed cotton yarn