- 杂交稻种子F1Hybrid rice seed F1
- 杂交稻种子hybrid rice seeds
- 杂交稻种子贮藏保管技术Storage Techniqgue of Hybrid Rice Seed
- 种子seed
- 杂交稻种子纯度的SSR分子检测及应用研究Identification and purity test of hybrid rice with SSR molecular markers and it's application research
- 杂交稻种子低温低湿贮藏技术及应用效果The Low-temperature-and-low-humidity Storing Technology of Hybrid Rice Seeds and Its Applying Effects
- F1F1 fimbriae
- 种子的seminal
- F1代F1 generation
- 转绿型叶色标记技术检测杂交稻种子纯度Measuring techniques of hybrid rice seed purity by green - leaf- label changing among rice different period
- F1-35F1-35
- 不影响作物种子without harming crop seeds
- 杂交稻hybrid rice
- 这里的农民一年播一次种子。The farmers here sow once a year.
- 种子用撒播法下种。The seeds were sown broadcast.
- 化杀杂交稻F1产量性状优势及其与亲本的关系The Heterosis of F_1 of chemically Emasculated Hybrid Rice in Yield- related Characters and Its Relation with Parents
- 农夫在地里播上小麦种子。The farmer sowed the field with wheat.
- 种子植物spermatophyte
- 种子发芽需要水和温度。Seeds need water and warmth to germinate.
- 农民用纸把那些种子包起来。The farmer folded the seeds in a piece of paper.