- 机载SAR实时成像系统Real-time airborne SAR imaging system
- SAR实时成像系统中方位向滤波器设计研究Novel Azimuth Pre-filter Design Method Using Extend-Lagrange Function for Real-time Airborne SAR Imaging System
- 机载SAR实时成像系统自聚焦方法研究Implementation of Auto-Focus Algorithms on Aircraft SAR Real-Time Imaging Systems
- 一种机载SAR实时成像信号处理系统的设计Design of a Real-Time Signal Processing System for Airborne SAR Imaging
- 矢量处理器在SAR实时成像中的应用及性能分析Performance and Application in SAR of a High Speed Vector Processor
- 实时real time
- 一种易行的高分辨率机载SAR实时自聚焦算法A Easy Implementation Real Time Autofocus Algorithm for High Resolution Airborne SAR
- 步进线性调频脉冲串SAR实时成像算法在多DSP平台上实现的研究Research and Realization of Real-Time Parallel Processing of SAR LFM Burst Algorithm on Multi-DSP Platform
- SAR实时并行成象系统研究Research on SAR Real-Time Parallel Imagery System
- 一种基于新颖的CMOS有源像素图像传感器的微型星敏感器成像系统的实现方法A Kind of Design Method of Subminiature Star Sensor's Imagine System Based on a Novel CMOS Active Pixel Sensor
- 机载SAR实时多普勒中心估计原理及硬件实现Doppler centroid real-time estimation and its hardware implementation for air-borne SAR
- RS-232串口通信技术在光纤共焦扫描显微成像系统中的应用Application of RS-232 Serial Communication in Fiber-optic Confocal Scanning Microscope
- 在机载sar实时成像处理器中,方位预滤波比的选取对最终获得的方位分辨率有决定性的影响。In an airborne SAR real time imager, the selection of azimuth pre filter ratio has a decisive effect on the final azimuth resolution.
- X光成像系统X-ray imaging system
- CCD成像系统CCD imaging system
- 成像系统的探讨On Approach of Imaging System
- 数字化多体位多角度实时成像在静脉肾盂造影的应用研究The Application Study of Digital Imagining, Multi- position and Multiangle Real time Imaging in the Intravenous Pyelography
- X射线成像系统X-ray imaging system
- 复眼成像系统compound eye imaging system
- 数字实时成像digital radiography