- 机车车辆厂ERP实施初探Discussion on ERP in Locomotive and Rolling Stock Works
- 机车车辆车钩缓冲器初压力探讨Discussion of the Initial Pressure of Coupler Draft Gears for Locomotives and Rolling Stock
- 机车车辆配件厂locomotive accessories factory
- 厂区factory; mill; plant; works
- 14MnNbq钢板及其焊接材料用于严寒地区机车车辆的可行性研究Feasibility Study on 14MnNbq Steel Plate and Welding Materials Using on Locomotive & Car in Bitter Cold Znoe
- 企业ERP中用户权限管理的探讨与实施Discussion and Realization of User Power Management in ERP of A Machine Shop
- 所有车辆都得给消防车让路。All traffic has to make way for a fire-engine.
- 安抚手段实际的措施或政策,以期实施这种安定Practical measures or policy aiming to effect this type of submission.
- 你们厂雇用多少工人?How many workmen do you employ at your factory?
- 通往机场的路常为来往车辆阻塞。The road to the airport is clogged with traffic.
- 机车车辆故障与可靠性分析Fault and Reliability Analysis for Locomotive and Car
- 战略实施strategy implementation
- 中小镁厂清洁生产初探Discussion of Cleaner Production in Medium- and Small-scale Magnesium Plants
- 这条路上行人车辆太多了。There is too much traffic on the road.
- 这些行动已按预定计划实施。These operations have been carried out according to schedule.
- 造币厂mint
- 蒸汽机车被内燃机车取代了。Steam locomotives were superseded by diesel.
- 开始另一计划的实施the initiation of another program
- 这些木材被拖到锯木厂。The timber was snaked to sawmills.