- 机械性脆性RBCMechanical fragility RBC
- 机械性脆性mechanical fragility
- 渗透性脆性osmotic fragility
- 渗透性脆性减少Decreased osmotic fragility
- 渗透性脆性增加Increased osmotic fragility
- 急诊应用小肠通过试验对诊断重度机械性SBO病例有一定难度。In mechanical high-grade SBO, small bowel follow-through study has a limitation in emergency use.
- 机械性梗阻可能需要手术以修复胆总管狭窄或除去胆石。Mechanical obstruction may require operation for repair of common bile duct stricture or for gallstones.
- 大鼠机械性脑干损伤早期延脑网状结构的超微病理研究。Ultrastructural studies on reticular formation of medulla oblongata in the early stage of brain-stem mechanical injury in rats.
- 机械性肠阻塞mechanical intestinal occlusion
- 机械性痛Mechanical pain
- 机械性痛阈hindpaw withdrawal mechanical threshold
- 机械性口语mechanic spoken English test
- 机械性压迫mechanical pressure
- 碎栓,机械性Braking thrombus
- 机械性残疾mechanical disability
- 机械性穿孔mechanical perforation
- 机械性水肿[医] mechanical dropsy
- 机械性噪声mechanical noise
- 机械性紫癜Mechanical purpura
- 机械性剌激mechanical stimulation