- 机卡分离UTI驱动的开发The Development of Driver for Set - card Separation UTI
- 该技术与国内外提出的基于PCMCIA卡或USB2.0卡的机卡分离方案相比,成本更低,实现更简洁.Compared to the schemes using PCMCIA-card or USB2.0-card,the proposed one is cost-effective and more succinct.
- 小灵通手机机卡分离已成趋势Separation of Handset and PIM Card in PHS Phone Has Become a Trend
- 机卡分离机顶盒项目Set-top Box with Separate Device and Card Project
- 在本文档中,我们围绕这些主题和问题,以系列问答的形式讨论模型驱动的开发的策略。In this document we set out our strategy for model-driven development as a series of questions and responses that address these topics and concerns.
- 机卡分离,开创小灵通新时代Separation of Handset and PIM Card Opening New Phase in PHS Development
- 机动车辆;汽车一种装有轮胎的自行驱动的交通工具;机动车辆A self-propelled conveyance that runs on tires; a motor vehicle.
- 基于PCMCIA接口的嵌入式机卡分离系统方案Embeded CA separation system solutions based on PCMCIA interface
- 该国大部分地区只有四轮驱动的车辆和驮畜队才能通过。Much of this country is traversable only by four- wheel- drive vehicle or pack train.
- 点阵LCD显示模块通用驱动程序的开发Exploitation of Universal LCD Display Driver on Embedded System
- 实施机卡分离 促进有线数字电视快速发展Implement CA to Prompt Cable Digital Television to Develop
- 我祖母以为那个玩具汽车是魔力驱动的,可事实上它是电动的。My grandmother thought the toy car worked by magic, but in fact it worked by electricity.
- 基于PSASP的电力系统机辅分析软件的开发及其可视化实现Development of a power system CAA software and its visualization based on PSASP
- 数字电视机卡分离标准发布业界反应热烈Release of Standard for Separating Card from DTV Set and Warm Industry Response to It
- 汽车,机动车一种自我驱动的客运车,通常有四轮和一个内燃机,用于陆地运输A self-propelled passenger vehicle that usually has four wheels and an internal-combustion engine, used for land transport.
- 分离过程智能化软测量软件的开发与应用Development and Application of Intelligent Soft-sensing Software used in Separation Process
- 刷卡机imprinter
- 机动脚踏两用车一种可以用脚踏也可以用小马力引擎驱动的轻型机器脚踏自行车A lightweight motorized bicycle that can be pedaled as well as driven by a low-powered gasoline engine.
- HDC节能型带式泥水分离装置的开发与应用Developments and Application of HDC Save-energy Belt Type Mud and Water Separators
- 264高清、标清信号,可以直接支持PCMCIA接口实现机卡分离,并具有32位PCI总线,可以很方便地进行功能扩展。It can support PCMCIA interface directly to achieve machine card. It has a 32-bit PCI BUS,can extend function expediently.