- 朗多耳C字视力表C chart; international chart; Landolt's broken ring chart
- 朗多尔C字视力表C chart
- 更多more
- 朗多耳截囊针Landolt's discission needle
- 多multi-
- 文字character
- 字letter
- 朗多耳投影仪Landolt's projectionometer
- 两个相互连锁的黄金C字仍是她繁华依旧的时装店的标志。Two gold interlocking Cs remain the logo of her still-flourishing fashion house.
- 文盲E字视力表illiterate E chart
- 耳ear
- 最多maximum
- 多个multi-
- c语言
- 更多的added
- 耳麦earphone mic
- 八字character 8
- 太多tanto
- 全字匹配match whole word only
- 好多(adj) many