- 有防护的X线管shielded x-ray tube
- 屏蔽X线管,有防护的X线管dhield x-ray tube
- X线管短轴方向的X线强度分布探讨Investigation of X-ray intensity on the short axis of the X-ray tube
- X线管电压对图像质量和放射剂量影响的研究A study of the effect of X-ray tube voltage on image quality and radiation dose
- 家兔经皮自体骨髓移植在骨缺损瘢痕组织内成骨的X线表现X ray Features of Osteogenesis of Percutaneous Autogenous Bone Marrow in Cicatrix of bone Defect in Rabbits
- X线管电流X-ray tube current
- 钱德拉装有敏感的X线检测器,天文学家用它对准这星系的核心,希望确定两个活跃点中是否有一个为黑洞。When Chandra, with its sensitive X-ray detectors, focused on the nuclei, astronomers hoped it would tell them whether either of the two points of activity were black holes.
- 儿童腺样体肥大的X线表现X-ray Manifestations of Adenoidal Hypertrophy in Children
- X线管roentgen tube; x-ray tube
- 肩峰骨赘的X线诊断Diagnosis of X-ray Arthrography in the Osteophyte of Acromion
- X线管靶X-ray tube target
- 耻骨骨炎的X线诊断X-ray Diagnosis of Osteitis Pubis
- X线管套X-ray tube housing; X-ray tube sleeve
- 鼻骨骨折的X线与CT诊断Diagnosis of nasal bone fraetures with X-ray and CT
- X线管头x-ray tube head
- 软X线管Grenz tube; soft-ray tube
- 体腔X线管endodiascope
- 铁靶X线管tube with Fe target, x-ray
- 钨靶X线管tube with W target, x-ray
- 限界X线管Grenz tube