- 如果基站支持,请选取此选项并输入一个密码,以使用有线等效保密(WEP)密码来保护网络。If your base station supports it, choose this option and enter a password to protect your network with a Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) password.
- 有线等效保密WEP
- 无线局域网中有线等效保密算法安全性研究The Analysis of Data Security in Wired Equivalent Privacy Algorithm for WLAN
- 有线等效保密(WEP)wired equivalent privacy (WEP)
- 有线等效加密WEP
- WEPWEP(Wired Equivalent Privacy)
- 他们让我发誓对这事保密。I have been sworn to secrecy about it.
- 有线等效私密性WEP
- WEP协议WEP protocol
- 她保证严格保密。She was pledged to keep it a strict secret.
- WEP-HeiHedevelopment
- 有线等效私密算法WEP
- WEP使用通信器之间共享的秘钥。WEP uses a secret key shared between the communicators.
- 有线网络cable network
- 这句简单就直接翻了:目前WEP是802.11规格里的一部份。WEP is currently part of the 802.11 specification.
- WEP和WPA加密保护支援,使寄件者可以将资料安全地传送给收件者。WEP and WPA encryption support provides secure data transfer from the sender to the receiver.
- 等效度degree of equivalence
- 螺旋面具有线盘或螺丝形状的表面A surface in the form of a coil or screw.