- 是DFS服务器的名称,Is the name of the DFS server, and
- 是DFS根目录的名称Is the name of DFS root
- 服务器server
- 引用:当DFS客户端访问DFS名称空间中的某个共享文件夹时,DFS服务器将返回一个引用以便DFS客户端通过它找到此共享文件夹。Referral: When a DFS client accesses a shared folder in the DFS namespace, the DFS server returns a referral for the DFS client to use to locate that shared folder.
- 这是DFS链接指向的共享。This is the share to which the DFS link points.
- 纪元名称是日历用来指代从某个固定点或事件计算的一段时间的名称。The era name is the name a calendar uses to refer to a period of time reckoned from a fixed point or event.
- 访问此Office文件夹时,DFS服务器将发送一个包含为该链接配置的副本列表的引用。When you access the Office folder, a referral that contains the list of replicas that are configured for the link is sent from the DFS server.
- 我在复制连接里加了发给本服务器的邮件连接后又好了,不知是为什么?Network: Unable to connect to OASERVER on TCPIP (The remote server is not a known TCP/IP host.
- 当DFS客户端请求DFS共享的引用时,DFS服务器将使用分区情况表(PKT)将DFS客户端定向到物理共享。When a DFS client requests a referral to a DFS share, the DFS server uses the Partition Knowledge Table (PKT) to direct the DFS client to the physical share.
- 也许你已听说过我们产品的名称,你想知道更多一点吗?Perhaps you've heard our product's name. Would you like to know more about it?
- 独立的DFS服务器不使用Active Directory,没有根目录级别的副本,并且只能有一个级别的DFS链接。A stand-alone DFS server does not use Active Directory, cannot have replicas at the root level, and can only have a single level of DFS links.
- 将此服务器实例用作其监视服务器的每台主服务器和辅助服务器的名称和状态。The name and status of every primary server and secondary server that uses this server instance as its monitor server.
- 液晶显示的名称,效果和节目是背光,让你看得懂,很容易连灯光昏暗的舞台.The LCD that displays the names of effects and programs is backlit so you can read it easily even on a dimly lit stage.
- 实际上,就服务器的CPU使用而言,线路上字节数的减少是任意的。In effect, the reduction of bytes over the wire is free in terms of server CPU usage.
- 服务器的名称。The name of the server.
- 在大多数情况下,控件的名称在一个应用程序中是唯一的。In most cases the name of the control will be unique within an application.
- 目录服务器的名称。The name of the directory server.
- 基本上,他们都是字典的名称-值对的,坚持从一个请求到下。Essentially, they are dictionaries of name-value pairs that persist from one request to the next.
- 把服务器的名称设置为Set the Server name to
- 这个属性返回一个只读字符串,它是发生改变的属性的名称。This property returns a read-only string of the name of the property that has changed.