- 8月星座运势August Told by Constellations
- 10月星座运势Luck told by constellations of October
- 根据星座运势,珍今天会坠入爱河。Jane's horoscope says she will fall in love today.
- 运势luck tendency
- 星座运程horoscope and fortune
- 运单freight note
- 您今年在事业方面的运势很旺。It's an auspicious year for your career.
- 造势make a show of power
- 运出ship out
- 白羊星座RAM
- 运回carry back
- 他们当然熟知战势。They were of course well abreast of the war situation.
- 月运lunar system
- 极化和超电势polarization and overpotential
- 运走carry away
- ζ电势ζ-potential
- 运货friehgt
- 阉牛是去势的公牛.A bullock is a castrated bull.
- 试运test run