- 早期mRNAearly mRNA
- 早期early period
- 早期的inchoate
- 早期教育early education
- 在早期early on
- mRNA帽mRNA cap
- 这幅画是他早期的代表作。This painting is typical of his early work.
- 前 mRNApremessenger RNA
- 前mRNApre-mRNA; premessenger RNA(pre-mRNA)
- 早期诊断early diagnosis
- 婴儿的早期养育the early nurture of the infant
- 追溯到早期retrospect to an early period
- 他的早期作品和后期作品之间有明显的差异。There is a notable difference between his earlier and later writings.
- 他的早期作品显露了一流的抒情才华。His earlier work announced a lyric talent of the first order.
- 亨特先生收藏早期英国人物小画像。Mr. Hunter collects early English miniatures.
- 她来自一个早期的开拓者家庭She was descended from a pioneer family.
- 该卷包含了他的早期作品文选。This volume contains selections from his early works.
- 早期基督教徒的苦行early Christian austerities
- 一种早期电影放映机An early movie projector.