- 无铅Al-Cu合金lead-free Al-Cu alloy
- 时效对无铅易切削Al-Cu合金的微观组织结构与性能的影响Effect of aging treatment on microstructure and properties of lead-free free-cutting Al-Cu alloy
- 无铅unleaded
- 延缓与加速Al-Cu合金时效析出反应的研究Study on Suppression and Acceleration of Aging Precipitation Reaction in Al-Cu Alloys
- 无铅合金Sn-Ag-CuSn-Ag-Cu lead-free alloy
- 超声波开始导入时的熔体温度对Al-Cu合金铸锭组织的影响Effect of Starting Temperature of Ultrasonic Application on the Structure of Al-Cu Alloy Ingots
- 无铅的lead-free
- 无铅汽油white gasoline
- Al-4%Cu合金Al-4%25Cu alloy
- 无铅釉lead free glaze
- Al-Si-Cu合金Al-Si-Cu alloy
- 无铅漆leadless paint
- 高强Al-Cu合金high strength Al-Cu alloy
- 无铅辛烷值unleaded octane rating
- Al-4.5%Cu合金AI-4.5%25Cu alloy
- 无铅焊Pb- free
- 无铅化unleaded
- Al-5.0%Cu合金Al-5.0%25Cu alloy
- 如果不是所有的元件都是无铅的,则铅浓度将会快速上升。If not all components are lead-free the Pb concentration will increase rapidly.
- Mg-Al-Cu合金Mg-Al-Cu magnesium alloy