- 无拉力Winkler地基tensionless Winkler foundation
- 无拉力Winkler地基板plates on tensionless Winkler foundation
- Winkler地基Winkler foundation
- 无拉力Winkler地基上板弯曲问题求解的广义协调元法Generalized conforming element method for analyzing bending problems of plates laid on tensionless Winkler foundations
- Winkler地基板plate on Winkler foundation
- Winkler地基模型Winkler model
- 全无nil
- 无纺nonwoven
- 本文对“用卡氏第二定理计算弹性地基梁”进行了研究,提出了Winkler地基模型、利夫金地基模型、Pasternak地基模型上的地基梁的计算方法。The calculation of elastic foundation beams with Castigliano Second Theorem is studied in this paper, and calculation methods based on the model of Winkler Foundation, of Riftin Foundation, and of Pasternak Foundation are worked out.
- 无界unbounded
- 沉默无语的shtoom
- 无尘dustless
- Winkler地基梁Winkl er foundation beams
- 不学无术be ignorant and incompetent
- 无障碍accessible
- Winkler地基参数Winkler foundation's parameter
- 漫无目的flanerie
- 无厘头reasonless humour
- 这房屋的地基不牢固。The foundations of the house are insecure.
- 南无阿弥陀佛Namo Amita Buddha [homage to the Buddha, Amita]