- 无none
- 无法unable
- 无抵押融通汇票Accommodation bill of exchange without mortgage
- 无标题no title
- 此等与关联公司之款项为无抵押,免息并凭通知随时偿还。The outstanding Balances with related companies are unsecured, non-interest bearing and repayable on demand.
- 无需dispense with
- 无人unmanned
- 无格式plain
- 无主dereliction
- 无名nameless
- 无情pitiless
- 无忧without cause for grief
- 无抵押往来帐透支[经] overdrafts on current account unsecured
- 无纺布non-woven fabrics
- 无限制limitless
- 无意义inanition
- 无止境know no measure
- 无几very few
- 无菌asepsis
- 无用的useless