- 可may
- 无none
- 三镜头相机tri-lens camera
- - 这是摄影机- 那又怎么样?伙计, 摄影机不需要换镜头- It's a video camera.- So?Dude, you don't need to change the lens on a video camera.
- 无法unable
- 换change
- 这是一架小型的单镜头相机。This is a small-sized, single-lens camera.
- 可用do
- 无标题no title
- 相机camera
- 自动换行word wrap
- 装一卷新的柯达彩卷,换镜头,把24毫米的装上,把105毫米的放进口袋,涉水而上,离桥近些。New roll of Kodachrome. Switch lenses. Lock on the 24-millimeter, jam the 145 into a pocket. Move closer to the bridge, wading upstream.
- 无需dispense with
- 镜头scene
- 可用空间space available
- 无人unmanned
- 可使用in commission
- 换新renew
- 无格式plain
- 可选eligibility