- 施瑞伯,M.M.(1952- )Marvin M. Schreiber (1952~)
- 施瑞伯氏乱子草Nimble will
- 杜威(1859-1952)John Dewey(1859-1952)
- 知道。他1952 年出生在德克萨斯州。Yes. He was born in Texas in nineteen fifty-two.
- 国民经济恢复时期内蒙古金融史研究(1947-1952)National Economic Recovery Period Inner Mongolia Financial History Research (1947-1952)
- 杜威(John Dewey,1859-1952)是世界著名的教育家。John Dewey (1850 - 1952) was a world - wide known educator.
- 蒙特利索教育法是意大利的Maria Montessori博士1870-1952发明的一种教育方法。The Montessori educational approach is a methodology and educational philosophy for nursery and elementary school education, first developed by Dr. Maria Montessori 1870-1952.
- 约翰·杜威(John Dewey,1859-1952)是美国著名的现代实用主义哲学家、教育学家。John Dewey is a very famous American educator and philosopher in pragmatism.
- zlib数据流格式、DEFLATE以及gzip文件格式分别标准化成了RFC 1950、RFC 1951以及RFC 1952。The zlib stream format, DEFLATE and the gzip file format were standardized respectively as RFC 1950, RFC 1951 and RFC 1952.
- 黄玉雪(1922-2006),汤亭亭(1940-)以及谭恩美(1952-)是美国华裔文学界最具影响,最知名的三位女作家。Jade Snow Wong (1922-2006), Maxine Hong Kingston (1940-) and Amy Tan (1952- ) are among the most influential and notable women writers in Chinese American literature.
- 刘士永。1991,〈光复初期台湾经济政策的检讨(1945-1952)〉,239页,国立台湾大学历史研究所硕士论文。Liu, Shi-yung. 2000, "Medical Reform in Colonial Taiwan," University of Pittsburgh, Ph.D. Dissertation.
- 资料来源:罗伯特M.哈金斯,《西方的传统》,载《伟大的对话:大人之学的精髓》。芝加哥:大英百科全书,1952。Source: Robert M. Hutchins, "The Tradition of the West." The Great Conversation: The Substance of a Liberal Education. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 1952.
- 德威,约翰1859-1952美国哲学家,教育家,是哲学实用主义的倡导者,通过生搬硬套实践经验的广泛基础抵制传统的教育方式。American naval officer known for his victory at Manila Bay(May1,1898) in the Spanish-American War.
- 德威,约翰1859-1952美国哲学家,教育家,是哲学实用主义的倡导者,通过生搬硬套实践经验的广泛基础抵制传统的教育方式American naval officer known for his victory at Manila Bay(May1, 1898) in the Spanish-American War.
- 本·霍根(1946-47),劳埃德·芒鲁姆(1952-53)和约翰尼·米勒(1974-75)是另外的高尔夫球手这里赢得紧接的标题。Ben Hogan (1946-47), Lloyd Mangrum (1952-53) and Johnny Miller (1974-75) are the other golfers to win back-to-back titles here.
- 进步运动在Urdu小说得势在Sajjad Zaheer 1905-1976,Ahmed阿里1912-1994,Mahmood-uz-Zafar 1908-1994并且Rasheed Jahan 1905-1952之下。The Progressive Movement in Urdu fiction gained momentum under Sajjad Zaheer 1905-1976 CE, Ahmed Ali 1912-1994 CE, Mahmood-uz- Zafar 1908-1994 CE and Rasheed Jahan 1905-1952 CE.
- 现代投资组合理论的奠基人马科威茨(Markowitz)于 1952 年最先提出了投资组合的均值?方差模型,成为当时这一领域研究的经典方法,标志着现代组合证券投资理论的开端。Markowitz, founder of modern portfolio theories, put forward the mean-variationmodel at first in 1952, which became the classical research method in the correspondingfields and symbolized the beginning of modern portfolio theories.
- 利用我国160个台站50年(1951~2000年)的月平均温度资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对我国从1951/1952~1999/2000共49个冬季(11月至次年3月平均)的气温进行经验正交函数(EOF)分解。By using the monthly temperature in 160 stations of China and the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data,the winter(November to March) temperature variations from 1951 to 2000 are studied with the empirical orthogonal function(EOF) analysis.