- 新青霉素Icelpillina; dimethoxy-phenyl penicillin; dimethoxypenicillin sodium; DMPPC; DPO; methicilline; staphcillin
- 入院后给予先锋霉素V及新青霉素II控制肺部感染After admission she was given Cefazolin and Oxen calling to control the pulmonary infection.
- 新青霉素I,甲氧苄青霉素Staphcillin
- 甲氧苯青霉素,新青霉素IFlabelline; Methicillin; Meticillin
- 新青霉素二一种半合成青霉素,有效地控制由抗青霉素的葡萄球菌所致感染A semisynthetic penicillin effective against penicillin-resistant infections, especially those of staphylococci.
- 萘夫西林,乙氧萘青霉素,新青霉素Inafcillin
- 换新renew
- 新世界New World
- 青霉素penicillin
- 对新青霉素耐药的后天免疫性群体性金色葡萄球菌导致眼眶蜂窝组织炎引发双眼失明Bilateral blindness from orbital cellulitis cau-sed by community-acquired methicillin-resis-tant Staphylococcus aureus
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