- 做to do
- 做怪脸mow
- 小丑似的做怪样play the hobbyhorse
- 整orderly
- 怪queer
- 做人behave
- 整列permutation
- 一项调查证明,读爱丽丝-默多克或是罗琳的作品的人比钻研十字军东征史的人更容易做怪梦。A survey has confirmed that readers of Iris Murdoch1 or JK Rowling2 are more likely to have bizarre dreams than people deep into the history of the crusades.
- 做事act
- 整型integer
- 重做work over
- 怪的birdy
- 整篇entire chapter
- 做好work it
- 整点integral point
- 搞怪make fun
- 自己做do-it-yourself
- 整装equipped
- 做生意deal with
- 海怪sea monster