- 整肤疗法Seifu Therapy
- 使用方法:晚用清洁整肤后,均匀涂于颈部,十五分钟再以面纸抹去,清水洗净。Apply proper amount of product evenly on the neck after cleaning skin in evening, and efface it off with tissue paper in 15 minutes and then clean with clean water.
- 整orderly
- 肤skin
- 护肤protect the skin
- 整列permutation
- 爽肤水toner; astringent
- 整型integer
- 润肤露skin cream
- 整篇entire chapter
- 整点integral point
- 润肤skin moisten
- 整装equipped
- 润肤霜moisturizer
- 取整INT
- 护肤霜skin cream
- 整定setting(up)
- 美肤skin makeup
- 整行[计] entire row; full line
- 护肤化妆品preparation for the care of skin