- 我希望你6点整来吃晚饭。I'II expect you for supper at six o'clock.
- 用来整塑木板边缘以使它们结合得更紧密的一种长木工刨。a long carpenter's plane used to shape the edges of boards so they will fit together.
- 我盼望你6点整来吃晚饭。I'II expect you for supper at six o 'clock sharp.
- 你要保证七点整来接我,听到了没有?Make sure you pick me up at seven o'clock sharp. Are you following me?
- 整orderly
- 一起去go along with
- 而又是杜老板随之决断整来了默罕默德和穆雷,用来顶替大本和比卢普斯,事实又是,他们没预期的好用。It was also Dumars who picked Nazr Mohammed immediately thereafter and Flip Murray, both turned out not to be what they were expected to be - a fill-in for Ben Wallace and a good backup for Billups.
- 去过been
- 去找go for
- 整列permutation
- 去旅行go on a journey
- 多年来for the past many years
- 现在得把最高层领导人召集起来,研究解决这整件事情。The top leaders should now be brought in to thrash out the whole business.
- 拿去go off with
- 用来be used for
- 整型integer
- 来看(v) interpret a topic from a certain point of view
- 整篇entire chapter
- 由来origin
- 整点integral point