- 整orderly
- 整列permutation
- 劳力labor
- 整型integer
- 劳力士Rolex
- 整篇entire chapter
- 整点integral point
- 整装equipped
- 节省劳力的设计用来在工作时保持人体能量或减轻劳动强度的Designed to conserve human energy in performing work or to decrease the amount of human labor needed.
- 取整INT
- 半劳力one able to do light manual labor only
- 整定setting(up)
- 整行[计] entire row; full line
- 这些节约时间和劳力的方法在(20世纪)50年代差不多都试验过了。Practically all these devices for saving time and labour have been piloted in the fifties.
- 现在得把最高层领导人召集起来,研究解决这整件事情。The top leaders should now be brought in to thrash out the whole business.
- 整蛊punish and enchant
- 染整dyeing and finishing
- 整平strike-off
- 精整finishing operation
- 整批round lot