- 改进Minty算法approved Minty method
- Minty算法Minty algorithm
- 还有改进的余地。There is still room for improvement.
- 百科全书的新版本有许多改进之处。The new edition of the encyclopedia embodies many improvements.
- 他的发音已有所改进。His pronunciation has improved.
- K-P算法K-P calculation
- 我们抓住一切机会改进我们的工作。We snatch at every chance to improve our work.
- KKR算法KKR calculation
- 我们总要努力改进自己的工作。We must always endeavour to improve our work.
- 逼近算法approximate algorithm
- 改进的必要a need for improvement
- "分裂和合并" 算法split-and-merge algorithm
- 按序算法sequential algorithm
- 安全改进维护corrective maintenance
- 编译算法compiling algorithm
- 这个城市的治安有了很大的改进。Much improvement has been made in the public order of the city.
- 标准算法canonical algorithm
- 我尽全力慢慢改进。I do my best to improve bit by bit.
- 并行算法parallel algorithms
- 道德标准是否有所改进?Have standards of morality improved?