- 提供ASP服务provide ASP service
- 服务service
- 提供to supply
- ASP服务平台访问授权策略研究Research on the access authorization strategy of ASP service platform
- 许多虚拟主机提供商都提供ASP,因为它正成为越来越普遍的技术。Many web hosting providers are offering ASP, as it is becoming a more and more popular technology.
- 广西汽配行业ASP服务平台拉动单管理系统的研究Research on Pull Lists Management System with ASP Platform For the Automobile Parts Enterprises of Guangxi
- 客户服务customer service
- 提供商provider (company)
- 服务的ministrant
- 提供者provider
- 本文基于这一背景,研究了ASP服务模式及基于ASP的网络化资源管理与优化配置技术。Based on this background, the paper researched the ASP service mode and the technology for resources management & optimization deployment to support ASP system.
- 提供的supplied
- 咨询服务counseling
- 提供给supply to
- 服务质量Quality of Service
- 再提供reoffer
- 优质服务knight sarvice
- 提供帮助offer help
- 提出利用EJB构件技术搭建ASP平台,分析了基于EJB构件技术ASP服务平台解决方案的可行性,并给出了一个实例。The paper proposes implementing ASP platforms based on EJB component technology,discusses the feasibility of applying EJB component technology in this field and gives an example.
- 提供资金bankroll