- 捕光色素蛋白复合体LH2light-harvesting pigment protein complex LH2
- 捕光色素蛋白复合体light harvesting pigment protein complexe
- 紫细菌捕光色素蛋白复合体及光化学反应中心的研究进展Progresses in the Study on Light Harvesting Pigment Protein Complexes and Reaction Centers from Purple Bacteria
- 水分胁迫对小麦捕光色素蛋白复合物的影响Effects of water stress on the light-harvesting complexes in wheat leaves
- 色素蛋白复合体chlorophyll-protein complex
- 尿分光色素urospectrin
- 这湖里的鱼都给捕光了,我们去河里试一试。This lake has been fished out,let's try the river.
- 值得注意的是,给予580、460和435 nm的激发光,捕光复合物都可发射680-682 nm Chl a的荧光.It is noticeable that the light-harvesting complexes emit at 680-682 nm fluorescence of Chl a when excited at 580 nm,460 nm and 435 nm,indicating that phycobiliproteins in C.
- 维生素B复合体之一,卵磷脂的一种要素;在脂肪的新陈代谢过程中起关键作用。a B-complex vitamin that is a constituent of lecithin; essential in the metabolism of fat.
- 小麦微粒体wheat mierosome
- 胶原蛋白复合硫酸肝素生物支架材料研制及其扫描电镜观察Development of A New Type of Scaffold for Nervous Tissue Engineering and Its SEM Observation
- 吸附色素蛋白与纳米银粒子间的光诱导电子传递Photo-induced Electron Transfer Between Adsorbed Heme Proteins and Nanosized Silver Particles
- 迷走复合体Vagus-solotary complex
- 阴离子交换蛋白阻滞剂DIDS对人视网膜色素上皮细胞非特异性吞噬过程的影响Effect of anion exchange blocker DIDS on nonspecific phagocytic process of human retinal pigment epithelial cells
- 喷雾干燥条件对速溶胡萝卜、大豆蛋白复合饮料品质影响研究Effect of Spray-Dried Processing on the Quality of Instant Complex Beverage of Carrot and Soybean
- 颧上颌复合体Zygomaticomaxillary complex
- 海马下托复合体Subicular complex
- 牛奶蛋白复合纤维acrylonitrile based casein fiber
- 低温对灌浆期水稻剑叶光合色素和类囊体膜脂肪酸的影响Effect of Low Temperature on Photosynthetic Pigments and Thylakoid Membrane Fatty Acid in Flag Leaves of Rice at the Milky Stage