- 挑战X运动Extreme Sports
- (道德方面)促进,提高,社会进步提高社会,道德和智力标准的努力或运动An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.
- [印度]排斥英国货运动swadeshi
- (事物运动或变化的)趋向,倾向,趋势Direction in which sth moves or changes; trend
- T-X图T-X diagram
- 面临严峻的挑战be faced with formidable challenges
- "城里人正在开展一次节约运动,省下一些钱去帮助山区孩子们接受教育。"People in the town are having an economy drive in order to save money for the education of the mountain poor children.
- x-y方式x - y mode
- 圆周运动circular motion
- x-矩阵x- Matrix
- 超硬X射线Super-hard X-ray
- 非X线监视without X-monitoring
- d维布朗运动d-dimensional Brown motion
- x-提升模x-lifting module
- 阿当造山运动Ardennian orogeny
- 广角X-衍射wide angle X-ray
- 阿登造山运动Ardennian orogeny
- 钼靶X线检查x-ray mammography
- 阿蒂克造山运动Attic orogeny
- 广角X射线衍射wide angle X-ray diffraction