- 按蚊A型病毒Anopheles A virus
- 按蚊A型本扬病毒Anopheles A bunyavirus
- 按蚊B型病毒Anopheles B virus
- 病毒virus
- A型病毒颗粒A-type virus particles; Particles, A type; type A virus particles
- 按蚊族Anophelini
- A型A Mode; A-form
- 入侵型病毒难以编写,在去除它们时常常会破坏主文件。Intrusive viruses are hard to write and very difficult to remove without damaging the host file.
- 巴拉巴按蚊Anopheles balabacensis
- 郑州中华按蚊自然种群生殖、存活和种群繁衍规律的研究Reproduction, survival and population fluctuation pattern of natural pop-ulation of Anopheles sinensis in Zhengzhou
- A型血blood group A
- 操作系统型病毒发作时用自己的逻辑代替部分操作系统。Operating system viruses work by replacing parts of the operating system with their own logic.
- 挑战按蚊[医] Anopheles bellator
- A型沸石zeolite A
- 瓦容按蚊Anopheles varuna
- C型病毒C-type virus
- A型DNAA-form DNA
- 乌头按蚊[医] Anopheles aconitus
- A型超声A-mode ultrasonic; A-mode ultrasound
- 乌有按蚊[医] Anopheles nili