- 我知道这个有点难,可是你没办法逃避。I know It's quite hard for you, but you cannot bery your head in the sand.
- 没not
- 你知道你没办法让她跟你上床,为什么还要跟她浪费时间?You know you have no shot at getting her into bed. Why do you bother wasting time with her?
- 我要处理的事情够多的了,不要再拿你的问题来打扰我了。I have enough to contend with. Don't bother me with your problems.
- 拿to hold
- 没办法can not
- 拿你最喜欢的任何一个。Take whichever you like best.
- 我的脾气你没办法。You could do nothing to change my temperament.
- 不要拿你的小聪明来对付我高深的智慧。Don't pit your puny wit against my massive intelligence.
- 我知道了。你没来过这儿。向前走两个街区,然后向左拐。你不会错的。I see. you're a stranger here. Walk two blocks ahead, then turn left. You can't miss it.
- 去拿你的几十。Get your hat.
- 跟卡罗拉辩论简直拿她没办法,她总是强词夺理。It's hopeless to argue with Carola. She always begs the question.
- 你没把面包包好,它变干了。The bread crisped up for you didn't wrap it well.
- 如果你一天工作不顺心,回到家里也无需拿你老婆出气。If you have had a bad day at work,there's no need to take it out of your wife when you get home.
- 我拿你的一支手套。I have the fellow of your glove.
- 我拿他没办法,他拿我也没办法。I can do nothing with him and he can do nothing with me.
- 你没什么不应该的。No reason why you shouldn't.
- 你逃得了一时,甚至逃得了几年,然而他们迟早拿你归案。You might dodge successfully for a while, even for years, but sooner or later they were bound to get you.
- 你没必要插进那番话。There was no need for you to chuck in that remark.
- 我拿他没办法,他拿我也没办法。I can do nothing with him and he can do nothing with me.