- 抗HER2单抗anti-HER2 monoclonal antibody
- 紫杉醇联合抗HER2单抗对人卵巢癌细胞株A2780的作用United Effects of Paclitaxel and Anti-HER2 Mono-Antibody (mAb) on Human Ovarian Cancer Cell Strain A2780
- 抗HER2/neu单链抗体anti-HER2/neu scFv C6.5
- 抗HER2人源化单克隆抗体humanized anti-HER2 monoclonal antibody
- 报销单expense account
- 表单memu
- 运单freight note
- 抗衰anti-ageing; senile-resistant
- 下单place an order
- 这一特别的涂层旨在抗锈。This special coating is designed to resist rust.
- 抗压性crushing resistance
- 领料单call slip
- 这种钢板能抗高压。This type of sheet steel could stand high pressure.
- 维生素A,维生素甲,维他命甲,甲种维生素,抗干眼醇,抗干眼病维生素Arovit
- 单挑challenge; work on one's own
- 抗病毒药物antiviral drugs
- 抗菌性bacterinertness
- 维生素A,维生素甲,维他命甲,甲种维生素,抗于眼醇,视黄醇,抗干眼病维生素Vitavel A
- 维生素B6, 吡多辛,吡多醇,抗皮肤炎素,抗神经炎维生素,维他命B6, 羟基吡啶Vitamin B6
- 安抗anchorage