- 手控式水枪<能手控开关和射流形状hand controlled branch = hand controlled nozzle
- 手控式manual mode
- 手控式操作manual mode of operation
- 手枪式水枪pistol-type branch
- 旋转式水枪circulator
- 手控式开关调节器hand control switch regulator
- 移动式水枪jet cutting car
- 手控manual control
- 油罐移动式水枪消防设计探讨A Discussion on Fire-Fighting Designing for Oil Tanks Using Portable Water Gun
- 轿车中手控装置、指示器和信号装置的位置规范Location of hand controls, indicators and tell-tales for passenger cars
- 刺刀式水枪<一种头部锐利的小流量喷雾水枪bayonet nozzle
- 恢复手控manual reversion
- 旋转式消防炮; 导流式水枪<射流直径最大达51mmradial branch
- 静电陀螺可控式被动阻尼的实验研究Experimental Studies of ESG-Controlled Passive Damping
- 手控拨叉manual selector fork
- 手控机manual controller
- 可控式controllable
- 触控式touch
- 手控靶hand-controlled target
- 手控的manual