- 手拿把掐in the bag; a sure thing
- 我二话没说,一把攥住瓶颈,使出全身气力,狠狠地砸在他的头上。Without a word I seized the bottle by the neck and hit him over the head with it as hard as I could.
- 你能从橱里拿把剪刀给我吗?我的手现在正忙。Can you get a pair of scissors from the closet for me? My hands are full right now.
- 拿to hold
- 他一把攥住钞票,然后起身径直冲向最近的7/11商店。同所有的流浪汉一样,他的第一个念头便是把钱挥霍在伏特加上。The bum grabbed the money and made a beeline for the nearest 7/11. Like all bums,this one's first thought was to go blow the money on vodka.
- 拿把put on airs; strike a pose in order to enhance one's own importance
- 用手拿住探头顶部的大环。Grasp probe by large ring at top.
- 牵手hand in hand
- 把手knob
- 一把handful
- 拿出put forward
- 拉手knop
- 手提电脑laptop
- 拿着have
- 手下understrapper
- 把我Me.
- 拿来bring
- 并把to include
- 拿起up with
- 手把handlebar