- 我很快再和你联系.I shall be in touch with you again shortly.
- 希望你每一天都能快乐,亲爱的,我将很快再与你联系。Have a great day my love and I will talk to you soon.
- 我很快再和你联系。I shall be in touch with you again shortly.
- 很好。好,很高兴和你见面,我希望我很快能再来。Phillips: Good, well, it's nice to meet you, Zack, I hope I can visit again soon.
- 再second
- 半小时后我再和你联系,把作出的决定通知你。I'll check back in half an hour and let you know what's been decided.
- 希望很快再见到你。Hope to see you again soon.
- 我爱你并不是因为你的身世,而是因为和你在一起我很快乐。I love you not because of who you are but because of Iam when Iam with you .
- 我希望很快再看见你。I hope to see you again soon.
- 别慌,亨利!我在这儿呢!我永远和你在一起。Steady, Henry! I'm here; I'm with you till the cows come home.
- 一小时后我再和你联系。I'll check back in an hour.
- 我希望能很快再见到你。To see you soon is hoped by me.
- 如果你不能帮助我,我得把这问题提出来和你的上级商量。If you cannot help me I shall have to take the matter up with your superior.
- 干杯!盼望很快再见到您。A: Bottoms up! We look forward to seeing you again soon.
- 我怎样和你联系?How can I reach you?
- 再见。希望很快再见到你们。Good-bye. And hope to see you soon.
- 稍等一等,我很快就能把你的奶热好。Just a minute,I will hot up your milk soon.
- 这样子吧,让我把这些样品带回去给我老板,等我们讨论过了,再和您联系。I'll tell you what. Let me take your samples back to my boss. We'll think it over and contact you later.
- 我会和你联系。I'll be in touch.
- 你显然不大明白办事的手续,但是我很快就给你解释清楚。You are clearly rather muddled about office procedures but I will soon straighten you out .