- 我国PS版的现状The Present Condition of PS Plate in China
- 我国PS版行业如日中天On Growing China PS Plate Industry
- YP-S新型高感阳图PS版的性能特点The Property of YP-S High Photosensitive Positive PS Plate
- 基于PCI总线的并行多域值二值化用于宽幅面PS版的质量检测The parallel two-value digitalization used for quality inspection of PS plate with broad surface based on PCI bus
- 现状current situation
- 我国our country
- 阳图型ps版Positive-type PS plate
- 我国资源植物化学与天然产物化学基础研究的现状与发展The status and development of basic research on phytochemistry and natural product chemistry in China
- 教学语言为了容易、清楚辩论而设计的名字、标志或商标,尤指标于单片印版或样版的A name, symbol, or trademark designed for easy and definite recognition, especially one borne on a single printing plate or piece of type.
- 宽幅面PS版wide PS plates
- 从第28届雅典奥运会试析我国竞技游泳的现状及发展对策Current Situation of China Swimming from the Competitions in 28th Olympic Games and Its'Countermeasure
- 再生PS版发展新思路The New Thoughts to Develop the Reclaimed PS Plate
- 我国大科学工程财务管理的现状以及对国际合作的影响分析The Present Situation of Big Science Project Financial Management in China and Its Influence on Int
- 船舶是否符合最新版的OCIMF对油船管汇和相关设备的建议?Does vessel comply with the latest edition of the OCIMF 'Recommendations for Oil Tanker Manifolds and Associated Equipment'?
- 我国票据市场发展的现状及对策The Situation and Measure of Our Bill Market Developing
- 高档名片用PS版基铝箔研制Development of Aluminum Foil of PS Printing Plate Basis for Senior Name Card
- 您可以下载试用版的Velodoc并将其安装在您的网站防火墙后。You can download a trial edition of Velodoc and install it at your site, behind your firewall.
- 我国干灰干排的现状Current State of Dry-Type Emission of Dry Ash in China
- PS版曝光变色技术及变色材料Discolorment Technology and Its Materials Applied in Exposure of PS Plate
- 装版的依据图。它指示印件的保版或各单元的正确摆放位置。Imposition layout A key drawing for imposing. It indicates the exact position that pages or elements of a job should be laid.