- 我们与GDP的恩恩怨怨The Love-hatred Complex between GDP and Us
- 从中国股价指数与GDP的相关系数看"股经背离"现象Empirical study of "breakup between stock market and economy" from the correlation coefficient between stock index and GDP
- 技术以及我们与技术的关系从来不像现在这样成了一项重担。Never has technology or our relationship to it had such an onus.
- 福利国家与GDP的一个人民币Welfare state and One RMB of GDP
- 最近我们与家委会成员进行了会谈,讨论了一些家长所关心的问题。Recently we met with some PTA members and discussed issues that were of a concern to parents.
- 按可比口径与GDP的缩减指数计算Calculated on a comparable basis and Calculated by GDP deflator
- 我国财政收入与GDP的动态关系研究Study on Relation between GDP and Financial Income of Our Country
- 我们并不担心这会导致贸易战,因为我们与中国有着良好的关系。We're not worried that it will lead to a trade war because we have good relations with China.
- 谈物流成本与GDPOn Logisrrics Cost and GNP
- 我们与工会的成员们磋商后做出了决定。We made the decision in consultation with the union members.
- 税收与GDP增长关系的数理分析An Analysis on the Synchronous Growth of Tax and GDP
- 谢谢你们能让我们与你们一同分享在东华浸信会的生命里这快乐的时光。Thanks for letting us share your joy at this very happy time in the life of Dong-Hwa Baptist Church.
- 对环境成本与GDP调整问题的思考To Think for Problems of the Environment Cost with GDP Adjustment
- 我国财政收入与GDP关系的实证研究Case study of the Relationship Between State Revenue and GDP in China
- 我们与堂兄弟多年不和,最後我们送给他们一张圣诞卡,算是化干戈为玉帛。After years of quarrelling we at last sent our cousins a Christmas card as an olive-branch.
- 到你的光荣!我们与欢乐的灵魂呼喊。Glory to you! We exclaim with a joyful soul.
- 中国商品期货指数与GDP指数的关系研究A Study of the Relationship between China's Commodities Futures Index and GDP Index
- 我们与本地一些公司联合为无家可归的人筹款。We are working in association with a number of local companies to raise money for the homeless.
- 教育投入与GDP动态协整关系的实证分析An Empirical Analysis on Educational Input and GDP Development Cointegration
- 我们与西特威尔公司的合同五月到期。Our engagement with the Sitwell Company terminated in May.