- 慢性HBV携带者Chronic HBVcarrier
- 慢性乙型肝炎患者和HBV携带者外周血单个核细胞差异表达基因的筛选与验证Screening and Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes of PBMC between CHB and ASCs Subjects
- 无症状HBV携带者Asymptomatic HBV carrier
- 者-ist, -er (person)
- 慢性HBV感染Chronic hepatitis B virus infection
- 虽然这项草案日前还没有批准,但它清楚地表达了政府将正在关注此事并努力消除恐慌并平息HBV携带者的情绪。Although the draft regulations are yet to be ratified, it is clear that the government is concerned and moving to allay the fears and frustrations so many HBVers express.
- 慢性HBV感染者Chronic HBV infection
- 慢性(adj) slow acting; slow to take effect
- 守望者watcher
- 抗-HBe阳性的HBV携带孕妇所生婴儿感染调查investigation of infant Infection Born to AntiHBe Positive HBV Carrier State Mothers
- 发布者promulgator
- 慢性的chronic
- 步行者pedestrian
- 树突状细胞与慢性HBV感染Dendritic cells and chronic HBV infection
- 操作者operator
- 被调查者informant
- 追求者wooer
- 漫步者rambler
- 慢性HBV感染状态下细胞免疫变化及抗病毒治疗的影响Change of cellular immune in the condition of chronic infection of HBV and impact of anti-virus therapy on the change
- 应聘者applicant