- 恩镰孢菌素Cenniatine C
- 恩镰孢菌素 Cenniatin C
- 恩镰孢菌素enniatin
- 头孢菌素Ccephalosporin
- 恩镰孢菌素Aenniatine A
- 头孢氰唑,头霉氰唑,氰唑头孢菌素,甲氧氰甲硫四唑头孢菌素Cefmetazole
- 粘菌素CColistin C
- 镰孢菌角膜炎可用抗真菌药物治疗。Keratitis is treated with antifungal medication.
- 天青菌素CCelesticetin C
- 玉米穗、茎腐病镰孢菌相互关系的血清学研究Serological studies on the relationship between the pathogens of Fusarium ear rot and stalk rot of maize
- 镰孢菌Fusarium
- 头孢噻啶,吡唑孢霉素,先锋霉素Ⅱ, 头孢利素,头孢娄利定,头孢菌素ⅡGlanxoridin
- 尖镰孢菌Fusarium oxysporum
- 头孢唑啉钠,先锋霉素V,头孢菌素V,唑啉头孢菌素,先锋唑啉,西孢唑啉,凯复卓Cefamedin; Cefamezin
- 茄镰孢菌Fusarium solani
- 头孢菌素cephalosporin
- 镰孢菌属Fusarium
- 镰孢菌酸fusarinic acid
- 头孢拉定,头孢环己烯,环己烯胺头孢菌素,头孢菌素ⅥEskasporin; Eskefrin
- 由于基本结构的不同串玉米镰孢菌毒素有六种不同的形式。There are six different fumonisins with the basic structure.