- 恢复到继承(&I)Revert to &inherited
- 归还,归属恢复到较早的物主或较早的物主的继承者,用于钱或资产To return to the former owner or to the former owner's heirs.Used of money or property.
- 插入或恢复到垂直位置。put in or restore to an upright position.
- 能否恢复到时点?Recover to point in time?
- 恢复恢复到某人过去的类型或阶段To revert to an earlier type or stage in one's past.
- 返祖恢复到从前的类型或祖先的特征A reversion to a former type or ancestral characteristic.
- 我们谁也不愿意恢复到旧制度。None of us wish to switch back to the old system.
- 恢复到数据库快照Reverting to a Database Snapshot
- 把戏院恢复到以前的状况to restore the theater to its former estate
- 恢复到手术前水平to return to preoperative levels
- 恢复到某人过去的类型或阶段to revert to an earlier type or stage in one's past
- 她一直病着,身体还未恢复到最佳状态。She's been ill and hasn't got back into top gear yet (=is not yet at her best).
- 那病人现在已恢复到能(下床)走动了。The patient is now sufficiently strong to get afoot
- 不能恢复到不同的数据库Cannot restore to different database
- 使它恢复到原来的状态bring it back to its former condition
- 您必须能够恢复到故障点。You must be able to recover to the point of failure.
- ...值恢复到(手术前)水平...values returned to (preoperative)levels
- 让事物恢复到原来的状态。the act of restoring something to its original state.
- 弹性形变后恢复到原来形状或状态的性质The property of returning to an initial form or state following deformation.
- 恢复到维多利亚时代的标准a return to Victorian values