- 快速Z轴数据清零fast Z- clar
- 方法,以便在释放对象之前将对象中所包含的所有敏感数据清零。Clear method on the object to zero out any sensitive data within the object before it is released.
- 数据data
- 清pure
- 快速rapid
- Z轴机构Framework of Z axis
- 清零to clear
- 轴axis
- 清空empty
- Z轴坐标最大行程Maximum travel of Z-axis coordinate
- 快速的double-quick
- 统计数据statistical data
- 高清high definition
- 数据处理data processing
- 快速发展rapid growth
- 清关clear customs
- 创建z轴位置关键帧Create a Position Key on Z
- 快速地fleetly
- 数据透视表PivotTable
- 轴向axial direction