- 快速振荡的A型特殊星Rapidly Oscillating A-type Peculiar Stars
- 我们需要的产品用于ADSL电讯中快速振荡保护作用。We need them for ADSL splitters with surge protection in telecommunication
- 特殊星peculiar star
- A型肉毒毒素局部注射治疗贲门失弛缓症前后的食管动力研究Research on esophagus kinematics before and after treatment of achalasia of cardia with injection of type A kerotoxin
- 化学特殊星chemically peculiar star
- 北极振荡的太平洋中心:与其说遥相关倒不如说高局部变化的产品Pacific centre of the Arctic Oscillation: product of high local variability rather than teleconnectivity
- 超几何型特殊函数special function of hypergeometric type
- A型A Mode; A-form
- 冬季北大西洋振荡的概率季节预报及其对近地面温度的作用Probabilistic seasonal prediction of the winter North Atlantic Oscillation and its impact on near surface temperature
- 通过在迟延振子里非线性亚谐波共振看年内和十年气候振荡的产生Generation of interannual and interdecadal climate oscillations through nonlinear subharmonic resonance in delayed oscillators
- A型血blood group A
- 阿拉斯加不但是持续异常的活跃区,也是30-50天低频振荡的活跃区。It is found that Alaska is the keyregion of not only the persistent anomalies but also the 30-50 day low-frequency fluc-tuation.
- 雅培A型β溶血性链球菌快速过筛和确认诊断试剂Abbott Testpack-Strep A<诊断用药>
- 钢琴中从琴弦提起断音装置从而让它们持续振荡的踏板。a pedal on a piano that lifts the dampers from the strings and so allows them to continue vibrating.
- A型沸石zeolite A
- A型DNAA-form DNA
- 泵浦带有弛豫振荡的固体激光器的弛豫振荡特性理论研究Theoretical research on relaxation oscillation in solid-state laser with relaxation oscillating pumping
- A型超声A-mode ultrasonic; A-mode ultrasound
- 某型弹用冲压发动机巡航段供油振荡的数值仿真Numerical simulation for ramjet cruising stage fuel-supplied oscillation
- A型毒粒type A virion