- 心电图ST段electrocardiographic ST-segment
- 急性心肌梗塞早期和持续的心电图ST段对应改变的意义及与心功能的关系Early and persistent reciprocal depression of ST segment in acute myocardial infarction:Its significance and relationship with cardiac function
- 急性心肌梗死直接PCI后心电图ST段回落幅度与血管内皮功能的关系The relationship between ST segment elevation resolution in electrocardiogram and vascular endothelial function in patients with acute myocardial infarction received direct PCI
- 冠心病患者心电图ST段水平延长与冠状动脉狭窄程度的相关性及诊断价值The Correlation between ST Segment Horizontal Elongation and Coronary Arteries Occlusion (stenosis) and Value in the Diagnosis of CAD
- 一段section
- 急性心肌梗死患者直接PCI治疗后心电图ST段抬高、BNP变化对左室重构的意义The Clinical Importance to LVRM of Persistent Elevation of Electrocardiographic ST Segment and BNP Concentration in Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients after Primary PCI Therapy
- 胎儿心电图ST段改变与新生儿窒息的关系Relationship between changes of FST segment and asphyxia of neonates
- 非ST段Non - ST elevation
- 最初非相应ST段压低的急性心肌梗塞患者临床特征及预后Clinical features and prognosis of the initial non-corresponding ST-segment depression in patients with acute myocardial infarction
- 动态心电图ST-T段参数测量方法The Measurement of ST-T Segment Parameters in Ambulatory ECG
- ST段下移ST segment depression
- ST段上抬ST segment elevation
- ST段心电图ST segment
- 急性心肌梗塞尿激酶溶栓治疗早期ST段变化对预后的评价Evaluation of Prognosis by Early ST segment Analysis in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction Through Venous Urokinase Therapy
- 结果表明,在高血压病患者Holter监测示心电图ST段压低呈缺血样改变者占30.1%。The results showed that the occurrence of ST segment depression was 30. 1%25 by Holter monitoring.
- 非ST段抬高Non - ST segment elevation
- ST段[心电图]ST segment
- 墓碑形ST段tombstone-shaped ST segment
- ST段抬高型ST-segment elevation
- 心电图显示1度房室传导阻滞和ST段抬高。ECG showed first degree atrioventricular block and ST segment elevations.