- 强制O型环密封forced O-ring seal
- 密封垫和o型环是由人造橡胶制成的。Gaskets and O rings are made of elastomers.
- 本阀阀杆密封分为两种形式:一为填料密封;一为O型密封环密封。It has two stem sealing:one is stuffing box and another is toroidal sealing ring (O-ring).
- 黄铜灰尘罩,带O形环密封和橡胶系链Brass dust cap with O-ring seal and rubber tether
- 强制enforcement
- 环loop
- 型的thysanuriform
- 用Mopar动力转向油液或同类产品润滑新的O型环油封。Lubricate new O-ring Seal with Mopar Power Steering Fluid or equivalent.
- 双锥环密封seal of double-cone ring
- 研究了W/O型聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)胶乳在水中的凉阻性能。Drag reduction with W/O polyacrylamide latex(PAM)in water was studied in thispaper.
- 单流环密封single-flow sealing structure
- 更换新的曲轴箱柱塞连杆O型圈。Replace crankcase piston rod seals. Replace O-rings.
- 双流环密封double-flow sealing structure
- W/O型W/O
- 双流环密封油系统double-ring sealing oil system
- O型血O type blood serum
- 浮环密封失效原因及预防措施Failure Reason And Precautionary measure of Floating Ring Seal
- O型图O-shape seal
- 循环气压缩机浮环密封失效分析及改造Failure Analysis and Technical Improvement of Float Ring Seals for Cycle Compressor
- 汉凯O型hankai O model