- 弱R0代数Weak R0 -- algebras
- R0代数R0 algebra
- 子R0代数R0-subalgebra
- 基础R0代数basic R0 algebra
- 局部R0代数Local R0-algebras
- R0代数的根Root of R0-algebras
- 体弱的孩子在冬天易患感冒。Children of poor health are very prone to colds in winter.
- 以强凌弱,胜之不武。It is no honour for an eagle to vanquish a dove.
- 体弱是过度劳累的必然结果。Poor health is a necessary result of over-exertion.
- 从隔壁房间里传来低弱的叫喊声。A feeble cry came from the next room.
- 你的代数题做不下去了吧?Are you stuck over your algebra?
- [音乐]渐弱diminuendo
- [音乐]极弱地pianissimo
- [音乐]渐弱的decrescendo
- 我儿子要我帮他解一道代数题,但我自己却一点儿也不懂。My son asked me to help him with an algebra problem,but I couldn't make it out at all.
- 他体弱多病对他求得一个薪水很高的工作很不利。His bad health is a great disadvantage for him to get a good paid job.
- TKK代数TKK algebra
- 这个拳击手向前进攻时,失去警惕,露弱弱点而遭到对方攻击。The boxer led with the chin when he dropped his guard as he moved forward.
- TL-代数TL-algebra
- K次弱平稳过程weakly stationary process of degree k